N. | Session title | Acronym | Organiser(s) | Topics | Proceedings |
1 |
Sandro Bimonte, (IRSTEA , France), |
Database, Data Warehouses; Geographic Information Systems; Cloud/Grid Computing; Distributed information systems; Interoperability between information systems; Data Integration; Geovisualization Knowledge management; Spatial Big Data; Geosensor network; Software Engineering; Data Mining; Application domains (include but are not limited to): Agricultural production; Agricultural traceability and food safety; Eco-technologies; Environmental issues in rural and urban areas; Forest fires; Global climate change; Impact assessments of agricultural and industrial activities; Soil, air and water quality models; Precision farming; Risk assessments; Modeling and simulation for environment and agriculture; Water management. | LNCS
2 |
Advanced methods in Data mining for applications
March 31th, 2017 |
AMDMA 2017 |
Carlo Cattani, (University of Tuscia, Italy), Majaz Moonis (University of Massachusettes Medical School, USA) Yeliz Karaca (IEEE, Computer Society Association) |
Data mining in medicine, in earth science, in engineering applications; image analysis, in the analysis of stochastic processes. |
3 |
Advanced Smart Mobility and Transportation
March 31th, 2017 |
ASMAT 2017 |
Mauro Mazzei, (CNR, Italian National Research Council) |
Simulation; Transport; |
4 |
Maurizio Pollino (ENEA, Italy), |
ICT, Geomatics, Structural Engineering, Risk Assessment, Critical Infrastructure Protection, Emergency mangement, Resilience |
5 |
Advances in Web Based Learning
March 31th, 2017 |
AWBL 2017 |
Mustafa Murat İnceoglu (Ege University, Turkey), |
Mobile learning; Student modeling in Web based learning; Learning Management Systems; Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Web Based Learning; Web based learning standards; Web 2.0 / Web 3.0 technologies; High Performance Computing in Web Based Learning; Semantic web and ontologies in Web Based Learning; Web-Based Engineering Education; Learning Analytics for Web-Based Learning Systems; Big Data for Web-Based Learning Systems. | LNCS
6 |
March 17th, 2017 |
Maribel Yasmina Santos (University of Minho, Portugal), Monica Wachowicz (University of New Brunswick, Canada), Joao Moura Pires (NOVA de Lisboa University, Portugal), and Rafael Santos(National Institute for Space Research, Brazil) |
• Big Multidimensional Data |
7 |
Bio-inspired Computing and Applications
BIONCA 2017 |
Nadia Nedjah and , |
Bio-inspired computing and neurocomputing |
8 |
Computational and Applied Mathematics deadline:
March 31th, 2017 |
CAM 2017 |
M. Irene Falcao (University of Minho, Portugal), |
The scope of this workshop is to bring together scientists working in applied mathematics, scientific computation and applications in all areas of sciences, engineering, industry, economics, life sciences and social sciences. |
9 |
Computer Aided Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis deadline:
March 31th, 2017 |
CAMSA 2017 |
Jie Shen(University of Michigan, USA), |
This workshop will provide a forum for scientists and engineers alike to present their latest findings on the subject of computer aided modeling, simulation and analysis. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
10 |
Computational and Applied Statistics
March 31th, 2017 |
Ana Cristina Braga (University of Minho, Portugal) |
Statistical Inference; Statistical computing; Biostatistics; Reliability; Survival analysis; Industrial Statistics; Decision Theory; Design of Experiments; Multivariate Analysis; Nonparametric Inference; Statistical Genetics; Statistical Quality Control; Survey Sampling; Computational Bayesian methods. | LNCS
11 |
Computational Geometry and Security Applications deadline:
March 31th, 2017
Marina Gavrilova (University of Calgary, Canada) |
Design and analysis of geometric algorithms; Animation of geometric algorithms; Computational methodology; Algorithms for Biometric Security; Pattern Recognition and Image Processing; Large Data Management; Scientific Visualization; Geometric methods in computer graphics; Computational methods in bioinformatics; Computational methods in security; Space Partitioning; Data structures (including Voronoi Diagrams and Delaunay triangulations); Geometric computations in parallel and distributed environments; Mesh generation; Interpolation and surface reconstruction; Spatial and terrain analysis; Security and Privacy in GIS Navigation; Path planning; Robotics; Security; Virtual reality. |
12 |
Central Italy 2016 Earthquake: Computational Tools and Data Analysis for the Emergency Response, the Community Support and the Reconstruction Planning deadline:
March 31th, 2017
CIEQ 2017
Alessandro Rasulo (Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale, Italy) |
Geographic Information Systems; Geostatistics and spatial simulation; Spatial statistical models; Space-temporal modelling; Interoperability between information systems; Data Integration; Spatial Big Data; Geosensor network; Data Mining; Social Multicriterial Evaluation; Hybrid Multicriteria decision-making; Real estate modelling; Urban modelling; Urban and rural economics; Multicriteria decision making and Gis-supported MCDM; Econometrics, Spatial econometrics. |
13 |
Composite indicators for deliver Ecosystem services into Planning deadline:
March 31th, 2017
CiES4P 2017
Silvia Ronchi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) |
Definition of composite indicator that express best ES provision and the possible application in the planning process for decision making |
14 |
March 31th, 2017
Telmo Pinto (University of Minho, Portugal), |
-Integer linear programming and combinatorial optimization approaches |
15 |
Chemistry and Materials Sciences and Technologies
March 31th, 2017
CMST 2017 |
Antonio Laganà (Perugia University, Italy), |
• extending the available information on molecular interactions • bridging interaction calculations for different scales • running dynamics and kinetics simulations reusing the computed electronic structure information generated by ab initio calculations for the database; • performing of the appropriate higher granularity statistical treatments to work out corresponding measured data to validate the used procedures; • offering to young researchers of a wider range of Computational Chemistry techniques, methods and protocols among which choose the most proper ones (rather than the ones used in their own laboratory) • standardising of the formats of the large volume of primary raw and processed scientific data researchers produce and that make it difficult to share and use on different types of computing resources and simulation tools. The workshop deals also with • designing, implementing and exploiting of accurate and fast algorithms on parallel and distributed platforms (such as Grids and Clouds) to maximize performances • assembling simulations as workflows and virtualizing hardware, software and data requirements needed to run the simulations; • supporting dynamic scalability of computational resources including clouds, clusters and supercomputers focusing on cloud resources to meet CMST requirements; • managing the whole data-life-cycle from primary experimental data to annotated scientific data enabling reusability and reproducibility of data using metadata; • mastering an intelligent storage of data • guaranteeing an access to hardware, software and data resources considering hard and domain specific constraints ; . |
16 |
Computational Optimization and Applications deadline:
March 26th, 2017
COA 2017
Computational Optimization: new issues in computational algorithms for continuous and discrete optimization; deterministic and stochastic algorithms, nature-inspired algorithms and other metaheuristic algorithms for solving optimization problems. Applications: case studies in all areas of sciences, engineering and industry, including economics, medicine, biology, earth sciences and social sciences. |
17 |
Progress in computational macroecology |
Avit K. Bhowmik (Stockholm University, Norway) and Pedro Cabral (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal) |
Spatial ecology, Computational ecology, Macroecology, Ecotoxicology, Ecological modelling. |
18 |
Giuseppe Borruso (University of Trieste, Italy), |
Resilient cities; Smart Cities; Smart cities and Sustainable Urban Development; GIS-based mobile applications for Smart Cities; Planning 2.0; Participation 2.0; Urban social networks, Urban sensing; E-democracy, E-participation, Participatory Gis; Open Government; Open Data; Technologies for eParticipation, policy modelling, simulation and visualisation; Second Life and participatory games; Social networks and collaborative/participatory approaches; Ubiquitous Computing Environment - Urban computing - Ubiquitous-City; Neogeography; Collaborative mapping; Geotagging; SDI and Planning; VGI VS SDI; Volunteered Geographic Information; Crowdsourcing; Ontologies for Urban planning; City Gml; Geo-applications for mobile phones; Web 2.0; Web 3.0; Wikinomics, Socialnomics; WikiCities; WikiPlanning; Maps mash up; Tangible Maps and planning; Risk assessment & Emergency management; Resilient cities; Renewable Energy for Cities and Smart grids; Augmented Reality; Complexity assessment and mapping. |
19 |
DAMOST 2017 |
Antonino Marvuglia (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, LIST, Luxembourg), Mikhail Kanevski (University of Lausanne (UNIL), Switzerland), Beniamino Murgante (University of Basilicata, Italy) and Janusz Starczewski (Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland) |
Geostatistics and Soft Computing techniques for Environmental data analysis; Environmental pollution; Natural Hazards and Risks; Renewable resources; Climate and meteorology (analysis, modelling and visualization using soft computing techniques); Biophysically based models; Agent Based Modeling; Network Analysis; Multi Objective Optimization; Emergy accounting; ICT for resource optimization; Social data mining; Uncertainty modeling (fuzzy techniques, Bayesian approaches, etc.). |
20 |
Database and Computerized Information Retrieval Systems deadline: March 31th, 2017 |
DCIRS 2017 |
Sultan Alamri (College of Computing and Informatics, SEU, Saudi Arabia), |
Cloud database • Secure Cloud Storage • Information retrieval systems • Access Control • Security, Privacy and Trust • Data Repository • Data Management • Spatial Databases • query processing • Parallel/Distributed Algorithm and Architecture • Data Modeling • Big data processing and analytics • Mobile computing • Data Web • Linked Data • XML and semi-structured data • Management of Very Large Data Systems • Management of Web and Heterogeneous Data • RDF • Mobile services • Quality of Services (QoS) • Cloud Computing • SPARQL • Semantic data model • Web application • Web database security |
21 |
Deep Cities: Intelligence and Interoperability deadline:
March 31th, 2017 |
Maurizio Pollino (ENEA, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Italy) and Grazia Fattoruso (ENEA, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Italy) |
Pervasive sensing, Dynamic sensor networks, Data assimilation and geomodeling, Interoperable Smart Grid Platforms, Interoperable Urban Platforms, Citizen-centric Participatory Platform. |
22 |
Data Science for Cyber Security deadline:
March 31th, 2017
DS4Security 2017
Intrusion detection, Abnormal detection, Insider threat, Mobile health. |
23 |
Econometrics and multidimensional evaluation in the urban environment April 6th, 2017 |
EMEUE 2017
Carmelo M. Torre (Polytechnic of Bari, Italy), |
Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Spatial decision making Fuzzy Multicriteria Evaluation Hybrid decision making Dynamic decision making Collaborative decision making Adaptive Evaluation Systems GIS-supported decision making Web-supported decision making Social Multi-Criteria Evaluation (SMCE) AHP and ANP Innovative Experience Multi-method evaluation systems Geostatistics Urban Economics Real Estate modelling Econometrics Spatial Econometrics Bioeconometrics. |
24 |
Valentina Franzoni (University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy), |
Affective computing; Semantic Emotion Recognition, Natural Language Processing, Emotion extraction from text; Facial emotion recognition, emotion recognition using visual features, gesture recognition; Emotional states associated with music, audio or speech sources; Emotion extraction from Brain Interfaces, EMG sensors, motion sensors; Ethics questions on emotion recognition: Models of emotions; Applications of emotion recognition to business intellligence and marketing strategies; Applications of emotion recognition to government intelligence; Applications of emotion recognition to intelligent interfaces; Applications of emotion recognition to social robots and syntetic interfaces; Emotions in the crowds and in social networks, link prediction; Emotions ontologies, measuring emotions, process mining. |
25 |
March 31
th, 2017
Bernady O. Apduhan (Kyushu Sangyo University, Japan), Rafael Santos (Brazilian National Institute for Space Research, Brazil), Kazuaki Tanaka (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan) |
Cloud Computing Systems/Applications/Services, Cloud and IoT Convergence, Sustainable Cloud, Ontologies in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Mobile Pervasive Computing, Resilient Cloud Computing, Reliability and Fault-tolerance, Dependability in Cloud Computing Systems, Graph Data, Social Network. | LNCS
26 |
Geographical Analysis, Urban Modeling, Spatial statistics |
Giuseppe Borruso (University of Trieste, Italy), |
Geostatistics and spatial simulation; Agent-based spatial modelling; Cellular automata spatial modelling; Spatial statistical models; Space-temporal modelling; Environmental Modelling; Geovisual analytics, geovisualisation, visual exploratory data analysis; Visualisation and modelling of track data; Spatial Optimization; Interaction Simulation Models; Data mining, spatial data mining; Spatial Data Warehouse and Spatial OLAP; Integration of Spatial OLAP and Spatial data mining; Spatial Decision Support Systems; Spatial Multicriteria Decision Analysis; Spatial Rough Set; Spatial extension of Fuzzy Set theory; Ontologies for Spatial Analysis; Urban modeling; Applied geography; Spatial data analysis; Dynamic modelling; Simulation, space-time dynamics, visualization and virtual reality. | LNCS
27 |
GGeomatics and Remote Sensing techniques for Resource Monitoring and Control deadline: March 31th, 2017 |
GRS-RMC 2017 |
Eufemia Tarantino ( Polytechnic of Bari, Italy), Rosa Lasaponara (Italian Research Council, IMAA-CNR, Italy), and Antonio Novelli(Polytechnic of Bari, Italy) |
Remote and Close Sensors for geospatial data acquisition; Systems for Data Processing, Analysis and Representation; Multi-source and integrated approaches for monitoring and control; Techniques for 3D data acquisition and objects reconstruction; Survey Methods for monitoring and documentation; Tools for geospatial data sharing; Environmental modelling, risk management, precision agriculture and cultural heritage. | LNCS
28 |
Interactively presenting high-quality graphics in cooperation with various computing tools deadline: April 15th, 2017 |
IPHQG 2017 |
Masataka Kaneko ( Toho University, Japan),Setsuo Takato (Toho University, Japan), and Satoshi Yamashita (Kisarazu National College of Technology, Italy) |
The recent development of computer graphics enables us to interactively generate and display various graphical objects with high speed and with high resolution. However, some more elaboration remains to be needed when we generate mathematically rigorous artworks and use them effectively. To generate them, some collaboration between interactive graphics software and some other mathematically refined computing tools tends to be needed. And to display them, well organized system to export the graphical output into several formats should be needed. The theme of this workshop is the effective unification of interactive graphics software and other related tools. | LNCS
29 |
Web-based Collective Evolutionary Systems: models, measures, applications |
Alfredo Milani (University of Perugia, Italy) Rajdeep Nyogi ( Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India),Valentina Franzoni (University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy), |
evolutionary models for collective systems, social networks dynamics; semantic proximity measures in social networks, weak semantics models; collective knowledge discovery, emergent collective behavior; link prediction, citation networks, bibliometrics in collective environments; emotion recognition, sentiment analysis, wisdom of crowds; collaborative social tagging, trust, reputation and recommendation systems; multimodal media search, semantics of social multimedia; massive learning environment, peer assessment, teachers self evaluation; ubiquitous and mobile collective systems, massive personal sensor networks integration; | LNCS
30 |
Computational Mathematics, and Statistics for Data Management and Software Engineering deadline: April 10th 2017 |
M. Filomena Teodoro (Lisbon University and Portuguese Naval Academy, Portugal) Anacleto Correia (Portuguese Naval Academy, Portugal) |
Numerical methods, Statistical methods, Applications with real data, Process mining Applications, Data mining Applications, Data mining in modeling, Visualization, Personalization, and Recommendation, Data mining systems and Platforms, Mining Text, Knowledge Processing, Software Experiments, Software quality assurance and Metrics, Formal methods to software development, Software engineering processes, and Requirements engineering.. | LNCS
31 |
Land Use Monitoring for Soil consumption reduction April 6th, 2017 |
LUMS 2017
Carmelo M. Torre (Polytechnic of Bari, Italy), Beniamino Murgante (University of Basilicata , Italy), Alessandro Bonifazi (Polytechnic of Bari, Italy) and Massimiliano Bencardino (University of Salerno, Italy) |
Soil take identification Spatial Analysis Urban Sprawl Urban Governance for soil take Geographic information Systems Spatial decision support systems |
32 |
Mobile Communications deadline: March 31th, 2017 |
Hyunseung Choo (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea) |
Wireless Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks; Wireless BAN/PAN/LAN/Home Networks; Software Defined Networking (SDN/NFV); Embedded Networking; Human-Computer Interaction Applications; Mobility Supported Protocols; Security in Mobile Computing; Cooperative Communications; The Internet of things applications (IoT). |
33 |
Mobile-computing, Sensing, and Actuation - Fog networking April 15th, 2017 |
MSA4FOG 2017 |
Saad Qaisar (NUST, Pakistan), |
+ Computing Multi-sensor data fusion / Cloud computing for CPS / Distributed computing, Graph and data mining for CPS / Inference Engines and Algorithms / Context-aware computing / Decision support systems for CPS / Embedded computing / Event processing and Event Driven Architecture (EDA) / Mobile computing + Sensing >>Sensing hole and full coverage problems / Context-aware computing / Data reliability / Data aggregation / Self-* for wireless sensor networks / Applications of wireless sensor networks + Actuation >> Actuator design for CPS / Control methods for mobile sensors / Networked control for CPS / Embedded systems and controls for cyber physical systems + Mobility and Networking >> Sensor mobility problems / Mobile data transmission / Mobile networking / Cooperative communication + System level architecture >> Real-time CPS / Middleware for CPS / Novel device designs for CPS / Cross-layer techniques / Testbeds / Business process management / Hardware-Software Co-design / Coupled sensing, computing and actuation / End-to-end quality of service / Human computer interaction + Applications of cyber physical systems >> Smart Power Grid / Resource distribution / Smart Water Distribution System / Vehicular ad-hoc networks / Healthcare / Activity and Life-style monitoring / Social networks / CPS as a service / CPS as an infrastructure / CPS as a solution; Fog Networking |
34 |
Physiological and Affective Computing: Methods and Applications deadline: March 31st, 2017 |
PACMA 2017
Robertas Damasevicius ( Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Christian Napoli (University of Catania, Italy), Marcin Wozniak (Silesian University of Technology, Poland) |
- Multimodal user interfaces - Assisted Living Environments - Advanced driver assistance systems - Computational Intelligence methods - Brain Computer Interface - Gaze and gesture tracking - Sentiment analysis - Affect based control - Speech, gait and facial affect recognition - Human biometrics for IT security - Applications for Robotics, interactive learning, gaming, virtual reality, smart environments, healthcare, assistive living, etc. | LNCS
35 |
Quantum Mechanics: Computational Strategies and Applications April 1th, 2017 |
QMCSA 2017
Mirco Ragni (Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, Brazil), Ana Carla Peixoto Bitencourt (Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, Brazil), Vincenzo Aquilanti (Perugia University, Italy) |
The purpose of this session is of collect works developed using the first principle of the quantum mechanics and oriented to the applications in different areas. Today, the solution of the Schroedinger equation does not represent only the quantum description of atoms and molecules. Quantum mechanics, jointly with suitable computational strategies, is also an important tool that allows to design molecular structures with specific purposes. For example, strategic areas of research, like biology, quantum computation, and nano-structured materials, are strongly dependent from theoretical studies. |
36 |
Advances in Remote Sensing for Cultural heritage (RS 2017) deadline: March 31th, 2017
RS 2017
Rosa Lasaponara (Italian Research Council, IRMAA-CNR, Italy) |
•SAR for palaeoenvironmental applications, site detection, risk monitoring; •From aerial photo to declassified satellite images: the study of landscape over time using historical data sources; •From visual data interpretation to semiautomatic and automatic procedures in an archaeological perspective; •Remote Sensing, GIS and Geospatial analysis for risk monitoring and the management of cultural resources; •Integration of space/air borne and ground remote sensing in archaeogeophysics; •The “LiDAR revolution” in archaeology; •Comparison and evaluation of different remote sensing methods for site discovery and the reconstruction of historical landscapes; •Remote sensing methods for studying past human-environment interactions | LNCS
37 |
Scientific Computing Infrastructure deadline: April 10th, 2017
SCI 2017
Elena Stankova (Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia), Alexander Bodganov (Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia) and |
virtualization, para-virtualization, application containers and delivery techniques, information systems, accounting, distributed system and application performance monitoring; distributed databases, key-value stores and parallel file systems for high-performance computing; scientific and general workflow systems, scientific virtual experiment tracking and data provenance; application portability for heterogeneous and homogeneous distributed computer systems, infrastructure of specialized Learning Management Systems, computational environment for numerical modeling of complex natural phenomena and technical processes. | LNCS
38 |
Software Engineering Processes and Applications April 14th, 2017 |
SEPA 2017 |
Sanjay Misra |
Software models, agile development, software engineering practices, requirements, system and design engineering including architectural design, software modeling, testing strategies and tactics, process and product metrics for each phase of software development, component based software engineering, software quality, verification and validation techniques and software project management. |
39 |
Sustainability Performance Assessment: models, approaches and applications toward interdisciplinary and integrated solutions deadline: April 10th, 2017 |
Francesco Scorza |
Sustainability, Climate Change, individual behaviours and Sustainability, Environment preservation and exploitation, Enhancement of ecosystem services, Policy and Planning, Territorial resilience, Sustainable development, Sustainable water systems, Social sustainability and inclusion, Resilience facing global change |
40 |
Software Quality deadline:
April 14th, 2017
SQ 2017
Sanjay Misra (Covenant University, Nigeria)
This workshop extends discussion on software quality issues in the modern software Engineering and its applications area. It covers all the aspects of process and product quality, quality assurance and standards(including all Verification and Validation techniques), testing, quality planning, quality control and software quality challenges, auditing, risk management, quality assurance tools, techniques, methodologies and frameworks, quality management process, role of software metrics, predictor metrics and control metrics, role of measurement in accessing the quality and limitations, standards (e.g CMMI, ISO, IEEE) etc. |
Advances in Spatio-Temporal Analytics April 14th, 2017 |
Rafael Santos(Brasilian Space Research Agency, Brazil), Karine Reis Ferreira(Brasilian Space Research Agency, Brazil), Maribel Yasmina Santos (University of Minho, Portugal), Joao Moura Pires (New University of Lisbon, Portugal) |
Algorithms for spatial and spatio-temporal data mining; Analysis of spatio-temporal data and applications; Visualization of spatio-temporal data and applications; Spatio-temporal data warehousing and data management; OLAP for spatial and spatio-temporal data sets; Software, libraries and tools for spatio-temporal data representation, processing and understanding |
42 |
Tools and Techniques in Software Development Processes deadline: April 14th, 2017 |
TTSDP 2017 |
Sanjay Misra (Covenant University, Nigeria) |
The session provides a forum for researchers, academicians and practitioners to share their new achievements, tools and techniques in field of Software development process. It covers most recent novel ideas, new developments, and industrial experiences, in the field of software development |
43 |
Claudia Ceppi (Polytechnic of Bari, Italy), Lucia Tilio (University of Basilicata, Italy), Francesco Mancini (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy), Rodrigo Tapia-McClung ( Centro de Investigación en Geografía y Geomática “Ing Jorge L. Tamayo”, Mexico), and Jorge Gustavo Rocha(University of Minho, Portugal) |
Geographical Information Systems, Information Retrieval, Scientific Databases, Risk Analysis, Software Engineering, Data Mining, Web Based Computing, Web 2.0 |
44 |
Virtual Reality and Applications March 31th, 2017 |
VRA 2017 |
Osvaldo Gervasi (University of Perugia, Italy) |
VR systems; VR toolkits; Augmented and Mixed Reality; VR based scientific visualization; 3D interaction; Haptic, audio and immersive interfaces; Learning and assessment based on VR approaches; Molecular VR techniques; Virtual classes and practice; VR on Grid environments: Virtual Laboratories; Educational games; VR applied to Cultural Heritage; VR applied to Medicine. |
45 |
Eric Medvet(University of Trieste, Italy), |
- Automatic inference of dynamical mathematical models of industrial plants; - Evolutionary Algorithms for automatic model selection and identification of industrial plants; - Predictive Maintenance and Condition Monitoring applications; - Computational Methods for Safety and Security in Industry; - Machine Learning, Data Mining, and Computer Vision applications for industry; - Big Data Management in industry applications; - Process Modeling for Real Time Simulation and Control; - Numerical Methods for Multiphysics Process Simulation. |
46 |
Niyazi Bulut (Fırat University, Turkey), Noelia Faginas Lago, Andrea Lombardi, and Federico Palazzetti (Università di Perugia, Italy) |
This workshop series started in 1990 as an informal gathering of theoreticians interested in the quantum description of reactive scattering processes. The organization of this edition of the workshop, initially planned to take place in Elazig (Turkey), was carried out by N. Bulut and collaborators and moved to Trieste with the same dates.. |