Logistic Info

Information concerning the logistics to and from University of Trieste


On Monday 3 (and on the following days) you will find a special ICCSA bus in "Piazza Oberdan" and a special ICCSA bus close to "Hotel Victoria". There will be dedicated shuttle services from 8 to 9.30 approximately from these locations to the University‎. 
This service will be replicated during the conference days.
Return services will be available at the end of the Welcome party on Monday 3 and at the end of the regular works on Tuesday 4 and Wednesday 5.
The University of Trieste - H3 building is also very well connected by public transport.
In the Piazza Oberdan Area buses n. 4, 17, 17/, 39 and 51 have their stops and they all lead to the University campus. 
There you will find signs heading you to the conference location.
Please note that bus 17 starts from the Piazza Unità d'Italia area, while bus 17/ from the Trieste Centrale railway station.
Buses n. 4 and 39 leaves from Piazza Oberdan
Other logistics information will follow so stay tuned!
Giuseppe Borruso